
by Sara Aladayleh

This work appears in Khabar Keslan Issue 1. DISORIENT

I consider my art a gateway to my perception of entities, objects, or ideas. No matter the medium, I engage as much as possible —whether in conversation or a facial expression with the viewer. The strokes that are drawn, bunched up together like scattered grains of rice to create depth, link the form of perception I try to give people to a drawing.

To perceive in one, direct way is quite flat. But to lose yourself in a platform such as ink drawings is to disorient the perception of the norm. 

Some of these drawings depict a student striving to be an image of a being that is easily molded—a toxic and unreachable ideal.

portrait 2.jpg

Sara Aladayleh: artist, stamp and currency collector, avid learner and senior Architecture student at American Universityof Sharjah. Always looking for the bridge-way between art and architecture, either alone is not enough.